Samsung Lions manager Park Jin-man welcomed Park Byung-ho's first home run at an exhibition game. This is because he felt like he would explode properly this season. 토토사이트
Park started as the third designated hitter at a home game against the SSG Landers held at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on Sunday. Coming up to bat for the first time in the first inning, Park hit a two-run arch to the left against SSG starter Kim Kwang-hyun. With the ball count 0B-1S, he pulled his second fastball (144 kilometers) and flew it out of the left fence. The flying distance is 115 meters.
"We didn't have many chances to play in Okinawa's second camp. Exhibition matches are also a process to prepare for the season, and as long as we have long balls in today's game, I think we will be able to boost our sense of play smoothly in the remaining exhibition games," he said.
He added, "During the last season, I joined a good team and had fun playing baseball with my teammates, and I'm going to play baseball by supporting each other as well this year."
Having become a new member of Samsung through a one-on-one trade with Oh Jae-il (KT Wiz) in May last year, Park hit 23 home runs, contributing to Samsung's advance to the Korean Series. Expectations are high on how well Park will perform if he plays full time by using Daegu Samsung Lions Park as his home ground.
Ahead of the home game against the Doosan Bears on the 10th, coach Park Jin-man said, "I think we can expect a lot of home runs from Park Byung-ho this season."
I didn't just say it out of the hope that he would do well. "Park hardly played in the practice game held at the second camp in Okinawa, Japan. He must have lost a lot of sense in the actual game, but he has definitely improved compared to the camp when he saw his physical condition and swing speed," he said.
"Veteran players are working hard to maintain their speed, but I think Park Byung-ho has prepared well. Looking at the bat speed, I think we can expect many home runs from Park this season. He is not lagging behind fastballs. Usually, pitchers dominate over batters during this period, but looking at the bat speed, I felt that he prepared well."
"There were times when I couldn't play due to injury after moving to Samsung, but I want to prepare well this season and play as many games as possible to produce good results," Park said. If Park, who boasts 403 home runs in his career, displays his slugger DNA properly at Daegu Samsung Lions Park, a batter-friendly stadium, Samsung is also expected to get closer to winning the title.
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